Monday, May 23, 2011

Letter #2

Hello Family! 
It is time for email number two!  Man has it been a crazy week.  I have learned so much this week.  First off I want to tell you all about my experience at TRC this week.  the TRC is where the missionaries go once a week to teach a lesson.  People from BYU volunteer to be investigators.  My companion and I prepared lesson number one and were ready to go.  We did three contacts in SPANISH!! Crazy but we did it:)  So your last contact becomes the person that you are going to teach.  You then have ten minutes to adjust your message and then you show up and teach them.  You never know if they are members or real investigators.  We taught migues and Rosa.  They were wonderful.  We taught them about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.  It was wonderful to finally be able to teach a lesson.  It went so well.  By the end of the lesson the lady was crying.  We know that they were already members but that just goes to show that whether you are a member or not or whether you already have a testimony in Joseph Smith and the scriptures you can never really get tired of having the spirit witness the truth of it to you again and agian.  It was a wonderful experience.  Now for my other teaching experiences.  As part of the new curriculum hear the teachers that we have act as progressing investigators.  They essentially make up a character and then we come in and teach them.  It is a great experience because our teachers make it kind of difficult.  Our first lesson in Spanish was this last week and man was it nerve racking.  I am getting to the point where I can understand alo t of things but I am still struggling with speaking it.  I know that I will continue to progress though.
Each day here goes by so quickly because we are in class for six hours and then the rest of our time is filled with gym time and study time.  I love personal study and I have really started to study about the atonement.  It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful it is to learn about the atonement and really apply it to our lives.
Well funny story for you all.  Today was the second time the fire alarm has gone of in my dorm building.  I think that sisters have a hard time using the microwaves and they start things on fire. 
Jed and Dad had asked about how sundays are here and so here it is.  They are dreadful!!!  Not really but kind of.  Heres is my sunday schedule.  You wake up and have an hour of personal study and then head to breakfast.  We then go to Releif society for an hour.  Releif society consists of all the sisters in the MTC and it is basically a devotional.  After releif society you go and have district meeting which is basically sunday school but a companionship in your district gives the lesson.  Then you go to lunch.  They try to make lunch really nice here because it is sunday.  Then you go to sacrament meeting.  Most of the meeting is in spanish so this is why it is not that enjoyable for me as of now because I usually don't really understand what everyone is saying.  It is also nerve racking because you might get called on to give a talk.  Each sunday one of the branchleaders gives a talk and that is how you figure out the topic for the next week.  You then take that topic and write a five minute big deal it's just five minutes you say...well it has to be complletely IN SPANISH!!! AHHHH so everyone in the zone prepares a talk and then you don't find out who has to give a talk until the conductor announces who they are.  Nerve wracking, I think YES!! I just pray I will never get called on.  AFter sacrament we go on a temple walk.  That is probably the greates part of the day because you are surrounded my other missionaries and you are at the temple in the fresh air.  After the temple walk you head back to your class room.  This is study time.  Not gonna lie it takes some whell power to just sit down and study for a couple of hours.  We do take some time to get to know everyone in the zone and have a good laugh.  Then you head to dinner.  After dinner it is time for devotional.  Last week we had Presiden't Hinckley's son here to speak.  You never know who the speaker will be.  I am just crossing my fingers that atleast one apostle will come here before I leave!  The devo's are always really great.  Somethin that I th ink is cool is that before the meeting begins the missionaries sing as kind of an introdcution.  It is so cool to here missionaries sining together usually about missionary work!  It is also a great sight to see so many missionaries so ready and willing to serve the lord.  After the devotional is over they show different movies around the MTC campus.  Last night we watched the Joseph Smith movie.  It has been changed since the last time I watched it.  If you havent' seen it lately I would urge you to see it!  It was changed from the origional so it is geared more towards investigators.  Lucy Mack is kind of a narrarotr and takes you through Joseph''s life.  It is wondeful!! We watch leagacy last week.  I never realized how incredibly cheesy it is, but it  is still so good to just sit back and relax on sunday nights.  Sunday's are interesting day for me becasue it is the day I miss you all the most.  I just think of everyone coming to mom and dad's and having dinner and just hanging out.  However, even though i do miss you all I know that this is the PLACE TO BE!! The MTC really is great.  After the movie it is time to go to bed:)  I hope that was enough info for you on my sunday activities!!
Another new thing that has gone on this week is that I am now in a trio of sisters.  One of the sisters in our districts was very advanced so she moved to the intermediate class.  It has been interesting dealing with lessons and having three sisters, I know that we will figure out how each of us thinks though.  Here at the MTC we have two different teachers.  My teachers are AWESOME!!  They are wonderful at teaching the gospel and also encouraging us that we will be able to tlearn the language and that we are doing great.  I am so grateful for them each day for answering all of my many questions.  Our district continues to grow closer.  It is so weird that I have only know these people for not very long but yet we are so close.  I know that the lord has blessed me with great elders in my district and also great companions!! 
I also wanted to inform you that you are doing spledidly on your letter writing!!! Last week on wednesday I got a whole stack of letters.  I am currently beating the district in receiving letters so lets keep it up family!!:)  I still have not yet received a picture of my new neice Klara Tlustek and I await the day that it happens because we all know how great Bethany is at taking picutres and printing them off.  I do understand thoug seeing as now she has three children! 
I am so grateful for the gospel and for all of the MANY blessing that i have seen in my life in the past couple of weeks.  The church is true! :) 
I love you all and thanks for your support and many prayers
Hermana Clark (I just love the sound of that:

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