Monday, January 16, 2012

Letter #34

Well Taft never seems to surprise me.  There really are so many intersting people that live here.  One day I think we ran into about 2 or 3 drunk men, all before it was 12 in the afternoon!  It was quite the day.  So, now for some more interesting things that have been happening.  So yesterday for church we had some of our investigators come!! YIPEE!! We started teaching this couple, they are interesting and had some drug problems in the past, but they were willing to come to church so we thought, awesome!  Everyone is invited to church.  We had another one of our investigators come and we actually had a couple of less active spanish people come.  So we had Sacrament and then it ended.  I was talking to our English investigators and then we saw that one of our Spanish investigators had come to church!  We hadn't even called him and reminded him to come or what time it had started.  So that was such a pleasant surprise.  So I was able to go to Spanish Sunday School.  The lesson was SO awesome. He went into this indepth study of the restoration.  It was perfect for what our investigator needed to hear.  He explained so simply why we are the only church with authority.  So church was pretty awesome. Then we ate with our ward mission leader and his family.  Then we went to visit a less active.  It is a Samoan family and I think meeting them kind of made my mission:)  This lady is so awesome, she has a 3 year old, 2 year old, 1 year old twins, and she is pregnant and due any day now!  She grew up here but is married to a Samoan.  Her sister is here helping her out with everything.  It was such a sweet experience because she talked to us about how we had come by to make an appointment and it had made her think about how she was raising her family because it has been really difficult for her to come to church, but knows that she has to make it a bigger priority.  Her family is struggling financially, but still they are so giving and offered to feed us.  I guess I can't really explain how great it was to get to know her.  She said she felt like a failure as a mom because she hadn't really been taking her kids to church.  I was so grateful that I could bare my testimony to her of the atonement of Jesus Christ and that we aren't expected to be perfect and that he will make up the difference.  I have realized lately as I go out to work every day that I am relying on the atonement because I am so imperfect, but Heavenly Father still gives me the opportunity to bear testimony and to invite people to come unto him.  This gospel is true and I know that we have to continually be reading and studying the scriptures, we can never think that we have learned enough, or that we have read the Book of Mormon enough.  I hope you are all doing your daily scripture study.  I never realized how important that is until I came out here and became a missionary.  Even if you had a sound foundation you still have to strengthen and care for it, or in time it will crack and crumble.  I am so grateful for your support and all that you do for me!  I LOVE YOU!!!
Les Quiero,
Hermana Clark
Oh so pictures, One is of me and my companiona, Hermana Hatch, she is BEAUTIFUL and wonderful!  Also the picture with the children.  There is a little pocket of Oaxacans here.  some only speak misteca, which is like a dialect that they speak in Mexico.  Anyway, these kids are all brothers and sisters and they came and talked to us so we decided to take a picture with them:)  Hope you enjoy the photos!!!

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