Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quote of the Day...

"It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised, the mosquito swatted."

This quote was presented in my social studies methods class the other day. It made me stop to think. Most everyday seems like a busy day. I always have an endless list of homework assignments, it never seems to get any smaller. I am sure that this is not something that only happens to me. We are all busy. The question is, how are we busy? Are we making a difference, being productive, or is our busy-ness not really accomplishing anything??
Let's be honest, I am probably the queen of procrastination, even when my list of to do things is ten miles long. But today and each day after this day I will try to be like a busy bee, buzzing around accomplishing things that mean something.

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